O eco do balneário dos Atlanta Hawks após fazerem história

Os Atlanta Hawks surpreenderam o mundo do basquetebol ao levar de vencida os primeiros classificados da fase regular, Philadelphia 76ers.

Num jogo onde Kevin Huerter e Trae Young lideraram a folha do marcador, os Hawks foram aguentando a vantagem construída no primeiro tempo, conseguindo avançar para a final de conferência, onde vão defrontar os Milwaukee Bucks.

De referir que a equipa da Georgia passou momentos conturbados ao longo da temporada, principalmente no primeiro terço da época. Estes Hawks chegaram a registar 14-20 na fase regular, mas com a chegada da nova equipa técnica, liderada por Nate McCmillan, a equipa começou a revelar um maior entrosamento e capacidade para se bater com as melhores equipas.

O treinador dos Hawks deixou a sua opinião sobre o crescimento do grupo:

“What we tried to do was build a culture that will produce winning and create a style that will give these guys an opportunity to win games,” said McMillan. “That’s respecting the game. You play the game with effort every single night. You play the game together. And you trust in each other.

“Those were the things I was trying to build with this group. I felt like we had some talent even though it was young talent. If we could get that in our system and basically learn to execute and play to win, I felt we could win some games.”

Trae Young mostrou-se cauteloso nos festejos, parecendo já estar focado na série contra os Bucks:

“Everybody is happy we made it to the Eastern Conference finals but we’re not satisfied. It’s great that we’re here, but we still got some games left,” said Young.

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